Look down when you are walking there are early crocus opening in lots of unexpected places. Here is a ‘Where’s Waldo’. Find the birds. Hints for your search—corner of Oakdale and The By Way. Enjoy your walk while you search.
Walking with Rise and Renie January 24
Look around—interesting, quirky, sad and beautiful.
A realistic metal hawk - The By Way
Greetings from a tree trunk - near Paideia Creek
Car window glass—currently parking on the street a gamble
Everywhere spring is trying to remind ‘I am coming.’
Walking with Rise and Renie January 19
All the rain has given us some beautiful moss—it is everywhere. On northside of tree trunks, on rock walls, on fallen tree limbs, an entire front lawn area becoming a moss lawn—and on steps—careful on mossy steps and walkways these can be slippery.
Walking with Rise and Renie January 11
Can you believe the quick recovery from 7*—The warm temperatures are bringing a bit of spring early. Snowdrops, daffodils, forsythia and Edgeworthia working to lift our spirits. Enjoy a walk!
Walking with Rise and Renie January 3rd
Wow—the 9 degrees caused damage to many of our plants—even English ivy has freeze burn showing. But, Mahonia and forsythia are bravely coming into bloom. The mahonia has a lovely scent so use it in a vase. Wait to cut back until spring—all is not lost.
Walking with Rene December 2nd
Connie spotted this incredible iris blooming on the first of December. The two nights below freezing have not deterred this one.
And see the Austell mausoleum—great effort by the creative group.
Walking with Risé and Renie November 9, 2022
Three fall looks. Pink flowering almond tree for a spring remembrance.
Beauty berries ready to feed the birds
Grasses coming into their own-flowering in the fall.
Walking with Risé and Renie October 20, 2022
If your maple or gingko is in the sun it has already begun to color your yard. The size of our trees makes the fall more colorful than the spring. Enjoy the amazing colors of this fall.
Clerodendrum on east side of Lullwater. Great pollinator. And the mystery plant—at the end of Darlene’s driveway and in the Conservation Garden.
Walking with Rise and Renie
Within a pollinator driveway planting one can also find when looking carefully—tomatoes ready to eat and a dahlia almost 8 inches across.
A sunny spot can do amazing things.
Rolling with Risé and Renie - August 24th
Rolling, as broken bone in foot precludes walking for another month. Hoping to focus on members gardens. This week—Window boxes. Ideas by the bushel.
Here are highlights from Ann’s Garden. Every window has its own special window box. The August rains have kept all lush and wonderful. There is even a window box for the fairies in her granddaughters’ secret garden.
Plants start out small but by summer’s end you will have a really full display.